January 1, 2012

General Task Specification in Programme


For the SOCASA (Sociology & Anthropology Students' Association) under Kuliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences (KIRKHS).

Program Manager: 
·       PREPARE the proposal letter
·       Guide & responsible for the whole program
·       To monitor the workflow of the whole program
·       As a decision maker during the program
·       To accompany the guest of honor (if any)
Assistant Program Manager:
·       Assist the Program Manager to PREPARE the proposal letter
·       Assist the Program Manager, e.g: make decision
·       Monitor the workflow of sub committees
·       Responsible for the secretarial works: paper works, documents, notices, memos, letters etc. 
·       Prepare the minute meeting
·       Provide full report the end program
·       Responsible to prepare a complete set of income statements and expenditures of the whole program
·       Prepare and manage the proposed budget
·       Control the cash flow for the program
·       Provide financial report at the end of program

Event Manager/ Programme Coordinator:
·       To coordinate the program and make sure the program running smoothly.
·       Provide the details of the workflow: master plan, MC, VIP etc.
·       To forecast problems that may occur during the program and provide solution to overcome these problems
Preparation & Technical:
·       Responsible for all technical aspects: Venue, audiovisual & equipments for the program.
·       Responsible for the preparation of the venue.
Transportation and Registration
·       Deal with the Transport Unit
·       Ensure the transport is available on the production day
·       Responsible for the participants’ registration
·       Facilitate participants during registration
·       Preparing foods for VIPs, participants and committees during the program according to tentative and budget
·       To cater the program needs e.g: mineral water, glass, etc.
·       Responsible for on time preparation
·       Responsible for the place to eat-cleanliness, preparation, etc.
Special Task:
·       Prepare tags, T-shirts and certificates for committees and participants
·       Prepare token of appreciation for VIPs
·       Direct contact with program manager
·       Responsible for the First Aid Kit
·       Prepare souvenirs for VIPs, participants, etc.
Publicity & Promotion:
·       Responsible for the invitation and confirmation for the VIPs, participants
·       To advertise the program; encourage participation, e.g: prepare posters, banners, handbills, buntings
·       Work as ushers for the VIPs
·       Direct contact with secretary

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